Installation Examples

Thermal insulation solutions


  • For reduction of replacement costs

    For reduction of replacement costs

    In order to reduce replacement costs and take freezing measures, we introduced TEMP SHIELD® to a particular food factory in Kanto region, which solved the problem.

  • For reduction of labor and expenses

    For reduction of labor and expenses

    In order to reduce labor costs and to take countermeasures against condensation and freezing, we introduced TEMP SHIELD® to a certain paint manufacturer to solve the problem.

  • For efficient maintenance work

    For efficient maintenance work

    In order to improve the efficiency of maintenance work, we introduced TEMP SHIELD® to Naigai Special Engineering Corporations, which solved the problem.

  • For energy saving and environmental measures.

    For energy saving and environmental measures.

    We introduced a TEMP SHIELD® thermal insulation jacket to a plant in Osaka City for energy saving and environmental measures.

Inquiries about services and products

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding our products.

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